Tuesday, March 2, 2010

7 more days. Are you guys gearing up for this?

An unofficial poster of Lightning hanging on my room door. It was a gift from a friend of mine as a birthday present.

The FF XIII main characters.Which you guys already know, all of them has the brand of l'cie.

The Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII logo.

It's been a long time since i last blog here.So what's up with the sudden blog post?Well exams is just around the corner(and surprisingly i have tremendous amount of free time which i rarely get before) .Sadly for me my exams falls on two EXTREMELY important date. One is May'N's concert on march 7 and the other is March 9.

Think by now you probably figure out what's the great deal with March 9.So yes, 7 more days to March 9 and surprisingly march 9 is more of an important date to me than May'N's concert and i'm really surprise by this fact.

Darn i'm so excited i can't barely sleep yet alone focus on my studies. I'm so failing this coming tests.

"Shoot me!"

"You think you die and everything will be sugar and rainbows!" (Best quote in the trailer.)

After March 9, Square Enix can we know more about Versus XIII and Agito XIII?

Pretty please?