Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Let's get a hold of reality and take it for a ride.

Darn,i'm really burnout.Things are just so hectic in real life.It's like getting butt kick in pure science especially when everyone else in pure science seems to feel like they are stuck in a class of misfits.Bio? fell a sleep cause i just don't understand why she must emphasize on "Introduction of Bio" so much.

Mod maths? That one eye blind teacher is so darn fast in calculating.It's almost unbelievable.

Add maths? The teacher really doesn't cut us some slack. First day of add maths lesson already got homework.

Chemistry? Besides her pronunciation of chemistry which she pronounce as "che-me-tree" i don't have a problem.

Pyshics? Kick my ass.Inertia,momentum,scalar quantity,vector quantity and all the others to come. PFFFT.

I can't see a way to fit in anime in my life except on weekends and Friday nights.Darn.......i'm game deprive,anime deprive,manga deprive and sleep deprive.

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