Saturday, December 5, 2009

Full Metal Panic the frustration.

Oh listen to me rant,i just finish rewatching Full Metal Panic the first season last night and honestly i feel frustrated at times.Why? Kaname Chidori's the reason.Mithril soldier,Sagara Sousuke is going through hard times such as losing his comrades to Gauron and here Kaname is complaining around about Sousuke not taking her to a beach.Let's be considerate,the poor guy is having a hard time and she's there sulking(i guess anybody would go emo after losing your comrades again in battle against your one and only enemy).Pretty annoying right?

Well whatever,it's a short rant and it isn't getting me anywhere except wasting my breath or rather my energy.On to Full Metal Panic The Second Raid.The Chinese girl assassins in TSR is a bit unemotional, the hug scene was still a bit O.O for me even though this is the god knows number of times i've watch FMP again.

13 more days till CF!

See you guys there!

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